Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The influences upon the Development of the Renaissance

The influences upon the development of Renaissance painting in Italy are those that also affected Philosophy, Literature, Architecture, Theology, Science, Government and other aspects of society. The following list presents a summary, dealt with more fully in the main articles that are cited above.
• Classical texts, lost to European scholars for centuries, became available. These included Philosophy, Poetry, Drama, Science, a thesis on the Arts and Early Christian Theology.
• Simultaneously, Europe gained access to advanced mathematics which had its provenance in the works of Islamic scholars.
• The advent of movable type printing in the 15th century meant that ideas could be disseminated easily, and an increasing number of books were written for a broad public.
• The establishment of the Medici Bank and the subsequent trade it generated brought unprecedented wealth to a single Italian city, Florence.
• Cosimo de' Medici set a new standard for patronage of the arts, not associated with the church or monarchy.